Etude House Pure Water Baobab Cleansing Foam ♡ 에뛰드 히우스 퓨어 워터 바오밥 클렌징 폼
I have used samples of Etude House's cleansing foams before but never actually purchased one so I decided to give one a proper try! What appealed to me the most about this one in particular was the packaging, the pastel pink and blue. I've also heard great things about this particular range of products so I'm excited to give this a go!
Etude House Wonder Pore Freshener ♡ 에뛰드 히우스 원더포어 프레쉬너
This is definitely one of those cult Korean skincare products and is actually a product I have used before. I got a free trial kit with one of my big Etude hauls which contained a small sample bottle of this. I absolutely loved it and wanted to incorporate it into my skincare routine at some point. This unfortunately leaked in transit so I don't have a full bottle but with the size of it, it should still last a long time!
It's Skin Power 10 Formula WH Effector ♡ 이츠 스킨 파워10 포뮬라 더블유에이치 이펙터
I've heard some amazing things about these essences from It's Skin but I've yet to hear anything in passing about this one in particular. So I'm intrigued to give it a go! Since I'm wanting to brighten my skin this was one of the first things I picked to base my routine on! I have used essences before (I used a snail one from Missha in the past) and they really add to your skincare routine massively!
It's Skin Acerola Whitening Cream ♡ 이츠 스킨 아세로라 화이트닝 크림
The final purchase in this haul! I have never actually used any moisturiser from Korea so this is my first go! I was looking at the more "cult" moisturisers that they have, but I wasn't too sure and just wanted to give something else a try! Along with the whitening essence, I wanted to combine this with a whitening cream for my skin. I've never found a moisturiser that actually moisturises my skin properly without leaving it sticky or, believe it or not, dry!
So this is my little haul of skincare that I am going to be trialling! I hope in the next month I can share a post letting you know the difference it has made to my skin! Would you guys also like some individual reviews on each product too? Have you yourself tried these and had any success with them? Let me know in the comments below and feel free to ask any questions!

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