Hey hey! I'm back with yet another Etude House Pink Bird Post! I'm sorry that these seem so clumped together and that there's not a whole heap other content on the go but I am working on fixing that! This is the second part of the Pink Bird March Box and this post is centred on the Etude House 0.2 Therapy Air Mask, we each received three in our box (if I remember correctly we all got different types!). The purpose of this mask is to be thin enough and delicate enough on the skin to be able to be used daily, since sheet masks tend to be added as a last step of a nightly skincare routine in Korea. Some sheet masks can feel heavy on your face so it's interesting to see if a 0.2mm mask would feel any lighter or if it was going to make no difference at all.
I have been wanting to try these since they were released and I was going to when they were on a special offer but I just never got around to it. So I'm glad I'm able to give them a go now and see how efficient they are. There are three types of essences these come in, either water, ampoule or emulsion. I was given one water and two ampoule based sheet masks.
Tea Tree | This was the first I tried out of the three of them. Tea tree has been something I have used on my skin periodically and I always found it helped my skin whenever I did. I usually apply pure tea tree to my skin on any problem areas but having it in sheet mask form seemed promising as well. Most commonly, tea tree oil is used to treat acne and along with other skin conditions and while I don't suffer as bad with acne as I used to, I still get the odd stress/hormonal spot from time to time. So, I used this during a time that I had remaining red marks from spots to see if it aided in that.
Upon opening the packet the first thing I noticed was the tea tree scent as expected, however it wasn't overbearing in the slightest and it actually went away fairly quickly after it was placed on my face. This mask was dripping with essence, the main benefit of this is that I had some extra that I could apply to my face afterwards and the next day as part of my normal skincare routine. This could have been expected as it is a water type essence so I should have expected as much! One concerning thing about tea tree is that sometimes it can be stingy when applied, however, there was absolutely no stinginess when I used it so it seems suitable for sensitive skin.
I actually fell asleep with this mask on so instead of having it on for about 20 minutes I ended up wearing it for an hour. Even by the time the hour was up, the mask hadn't completely dried up and still had a lot of product left attached to it. The time I was awake while wearing this, I felt like it was so refreshing to have this one and would be great if put in the fridge for a little while to make it nice and cold and wear it on a hot day to to really refresh and calm your skin. After it was removed I found the essence was absorbed into my skin at a decent rate and my skin felt incredibly smooth, like, ridiculously smooth I was impressed! It had also reduced the redness in my spots down to be absolutely minimal which is a major benefit.
Overall | I enjoyed this mask a lot and I think it's one I may stock up on for any time I am having a breakout and want the redness to be eased.

Hyaluronic Acid | The second mask I tried out from this range and instead of using it at night time like I would normally do, I decided to use this one during the day on my day off. So hyaluronic acid is something that you already have present in your body, but it has become a product popular in use in skincare, with it's ability to help treat burns and moisturise the skin. I actually tried Etude House's majorly popular I Need You masks in this exact type (as my friend Amber got me some when she was in Korea). In comparison to the tea tree mask, this seemed to have a lot less essence but I figured that was because it was an ampoule instead. This one kind of had a weirdly sweet chemical smell, I can't quite describe it but as with the last one the scent went away when it was applied quite quickly. I noticed this one dried up a lot quicker and it felt like the recommended time suggested was spot on for this one.
I used the Hyaluronic Acid mask for 20 minutes and then took it off. This time, I found that my skin felt really tacky afterwards and it actually took a while for the essence to dry into my sknn properly and for that tacky feeling to go away. When it eventually did (I didn't fully keep track but it probably took about an hour) my skin felt fairly soft and moisturised and it actually stayed that way for the entirety of the day, which was a major bonus.
Overall | This mask worked okay, I didn't like the tackiness afterwards but it did leave my skin feeling nice afterwards when it did absorb fully.

Strawberry | Onto our last one! I left this one to the end of the list because I thought this would be the one I would end up liking the most out of the three. Strawberries are one of my favourite fruits and there are quite a few benefits to using them on your skin. They're beneficial on oily skin as they help remove excess sebum. So, what would you expect a strawberry mask to smell like? Strawberries I assume? Well, this mask doesn't overly do so. I noticed it kind of smells medicinal with a hint of strawberry, that's the best way I can actually put into words what this actually smells like it. It wasn't the most pleasant of scents but I dealt with it for the short period that I would have to. As with the tea tree mask, this one was dripping in essence again, despite being the same essence type as the Hyaluronic mask. It had so much on it that there were bubbles all over the mask from the essence just deciding to bubble up.
I accidentally used this for 40 minutes (I got distracted watching Produce 101...oops) and it still retained a massive amount of product to it. I used the mask as a wipe all over my face, neck and chest just to get some use out of what was still remaining on it (hey, didn't want to waste anything!). This one absorbed into my skin fairly quickly but left my skin feeling reaaaaally tacky and after a while it just felt greasy. My complexion was a bit on the brighter side but I felt like this one didn't do very much for me.
Overall | Didn't work well on my skin, out of the three I wouldn't buy this type again.
So these were my 3 experiences with these face masks, I'm glad I got to try them and I think I may give the other variations a go (I might buy a big bundle of them at somepoint). I think some may work better on certain skintypes than others and it seemed the best one of the three was the tea tree one as it made the most difference to my skin. Also in regards to the fit, these were slightly too big for my face especially around the mouth (I guess my face is just shorter than the average or something...well I am short so I guess that makes sense). They felt light on the skin and I forgot I had them on at somepoints because they were so comfortable.
Have you tried any masks from the range? Or are you interested in doing so?

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