It's been a while since I have done any sort of haul post on my blog and I thought it was about time I got one done! Usually when payday comes around I buy myself some make up or skincare stuff and while I had done a massive Korean beauty spree, I didn't post it (yet, there will be reviews coming of the products in the near future!), I decided to do a smaller haul post on my most recent purchase. Etude House recently did a collaboration with Wedding Peach to create a range called Angel Sparkle and I can't help myself when limited edition make up is released. If you don't know, Wedding Peach is a Shōjo (aimed at girls) anime/manga series from the mid 90's. It's a magical girl type series (think the likes of Sailor Moon) and while I have only watched a few episodes in the past, the release of this range is making me want to watch it all the way through!
Annoyingly the range isn't available on the global Etude House website (I was hoping for a limited edition box set of some sort) and there isn't much about it from people outwith Korea so I really have to try my best to translate the names of the colours and such for you guys and they will most likely be wrong, so apologies in advance for that.
Color In Liquid Lips Juicy OR209 - Eternal Power of Love ♡ 컬러 인 리퀴드 립스 쥬이시 OR209 - 영원한 사랑의 힘
This is actually my third liquid lipstick from Etude House (I have a red and pink one) and this one is a peachy coral colour. It is also the second of the Juicy range of their liquid lipsticks that I own. I have yet to try it on properly yet but I get the feeling the colour is going to be quite similar to the OR209 in the Dear My Blooming Lips range that they have (that I own and love!). Though Yuri/Lily is probably my favourite character I didn't chose these items based on that, I chose them simply on the colours! I hope I don't like this too much because my favourite Etude House lipstick so far was limited edition as well and now costs a fortune to purchase it as there's only a few left.
Play 101 Pencil #80 PK014 ♡ 플레이101 펜슬 80호 PK014
I love Etude House's Play 101 Pencils and I wish I could afford to buy more of them! I love using the lighter glitter colours to line along my bottom lash line so I thought this pinky white glitter one would be a nice addition to the collection. There was a dark pink brown pencil I REALLY wanted instead but it wasn't being sold by any of the sellers so I had to settle for something else. I feel like this is going to get a lot of use out of it.
Look At My Eyes PK009 - Instinctive Center Peach ♡ 룩 앳 마이 아이즈 PK009 -센터 본능 피치
I've recently become obsessed with wearing eyeshadow almost daily (well....the days I actually wear make up anyway!) and quite frankly glitter is the way for me. This was a colour I don't really have in my collection so I thought I would add it in. It's a purpley pink glitter eyeshadow, it's supposed to resemble Momoko/Peach's hair colour. Like most of Etude's glitter eyeshadows I'm not expecting a lot of pigmentation so I would use this as a main colour for a look with either a darker colour to make it smokey or just on it's own!
Shaking Crystal Eyes PK001 - Angel of Magic ♡ 쉐이킹 크리스탈 아이즈 PK001 - 천사의 요술봉
Another unintentional Lily purchase, Shaking Crystal Eyes is a new product from Etude House exclusive to this range. The tube contains a clear liquid and glitter and as you may have guessed, you shake it to get it to mix together to apply onto your eyes. I chose the pink colour even though the pink is super subtle, quite like the Play 101 pencil I chose. I'm intrigued to see how this applies and how it looks on! Plus the peachy coral packaging is a winner for me!
Wedding Peach Play Nail #7 - Defeat Evil ♡ 웨딩피치 플레이 네일 7호 - 악을 물리쳐라
Now this wouldn't normally be a nail colour I would choose and that's the exact reason why I chose it. The only green nail colours I have are mint colours so I thought this bolder, teal kind of colour would be a good choice! This colour is supposed to Hinagiku/Daisy's hair.
So that's everything! I'm excited to give everything a try and creating looks using these products. Now I know I'm bad for doing hauls and not following up with the reviews but I promise I am going to change my ways! Which product from the range would you like to see reviewed the most? Let me know in the comments below and if you would like to see a look on the blog using the products I've purchased.

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