It's Monday again, so it's time for me to share with you a mask of some kind that I have been using this past week. This week we have another one gifted to me by Skin18, but instead of being a sheet mask, we have a nose strip from Luke, a smaller beauty company. I have used a charcoal nose strip from Luke a few years ago and didn't have a great experience with it, so I'm hoping this time I have a bit more success with this brand. Nose strips aren't the easiest to come across in terms of ones that actually work, I've only ever found one that effectively removed the blackheads and it is one I am currently standing by. However, I'm happy to give others a try!
I tried to do a bit of research into mugwort as an ingredient, it is a common name for plants with the genus Artemisia. More specically, it seems the specific plant that is used as a skincare ingredient is the Artemisia princeps which is also known as Japanese mugwort and comes from the sunflower family. In Korean it is called Ssuk (쑥) and as with China and Japan, it is commonly used in traditional and modern medicines. It also features in some recipes such as Ssuk Soup (쑥국). Asides from being beneficial to the body through consuming it, it has also been found that it is a great ingredient in skincare, particularly when it comes to fighting acne. Now this isn't particularly helpful for me in terms of this being a nose pack as I don't get acne on my nose, however, I can definitely see it being a beneficial ingredient to have in skincare.
The nose strip itself is slightly green in colour as you may expect and it has a herbal scent to it. Upon applying it, I found this is one of the nose strips that I feel fits well on my nose. A lot of them there can sometimes be overhang on the end of my nose, however, it seemed to fit perfectly. To apply the strip you simply wet your nose and apply it evenly to your nose. I left the strip on for 20 minutes (recommendation is 10-20) and when I took it off I was slightly disappointed. While it took some of the blackheads out of the side of my nose, it didn't take any out of the centre (aka. the main part of my nose!). So I did get some results but not the best I've had.
This one was a lot better than their charcoal one which you keep on for 30 minutes and when I took it off I literally had 0 blackheads come out! I was not impressed. However, it doesn't match up to the standards of the A'pieu one which will remain my go to. However, don't let my experience with this put you off! I still recommend giving it a go (as I did get some results from using it) if you're on the hunt for a nose strip that works for you!
Would I repurchase? Personally, no as I have found the best working one for me.
Where to buy? You can purchase this from for 50p.
Although I didn't have the best experience with this product, being gifted it has left me researching this new found ingredient for myself and as I suffer from acne I am going to try some sheet masks and other skincare than contain Mugwort! Have you guys used anything with mugwort in it? What nose strips do you yourself recommend?

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