I'm back with yet another Tony Moly I'm Real Sheet Mask and this time we have the Red Wine version of the range. Since I have the entire set and I usually pick the mask based on my current skin troubles, I actually picked this one for an ongoing skin issue which is the fact that I have rather large pores.I have been feeling a bit stressed lately but have seemed to have had an aversion to drinking alcohol lately so I figured, why not relax after my bath with a little red wine on my face. I don't have super high expectations but I did hope for at least a small result. So let's take a look at this mask and how it performs.
This mask aims to purify, tighten and refine the skin and treat large pores.
Following cleansing and toning, apply the mask evenly to the face and leave on for 20-30 minutes.
Scent and Essence
This mask had a very delicate and sweet scent of a red wine (not actually my choice when it comes to wine though, I'm a rose kinda gal) which was pleasant and not remotely overpowering. Which was one of my worries because I didn't want to smell like I had been on a serious wine sesh, especially when I had work the next day. There was the usual amount of essence for these Tony Moly masks, enough for the mask but not enough for there to be extra to be used after or the next day.
Fit and Material
The Tony Moly I'm Real Sheet Masks are a little on the heavier side due to there being 3 layers to it. The fit is obviously dependant on the person but I find these tend to fit me fairly well, usually just leaving a little bit of excess on the jaw as I have quite a small and short face.
This one was a bit of a dud if I'm going to be completely honest. I found that the mask didn't actually do anything for my skin apart from make it feel a bit more moisturised. There was no difference to my pores and I didn't even get the usual post sheet mask glow upon removal. Which was a little disappointing and I'm hoping this was just a one time case with this as it is a little disappointing.
Honestly, I wasn't too impressed with this one and as I said, this may have just been this case due to stress or anything. The smell of it was incredibly pleasant, which was probably the winning point of this mask.
I think I would buy one more to give it another chance to see if it would actually give a different result under different conditions (i.e. less stressed). But I wouldn't buy a pack of 10 or so.

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