Happy New Year Everyone! Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday season however they ended up spending it! Now, I know you all missed me posting on my blog ever so much, so here I am back with some more content for you all to enjoy and I hope in 2019 I am able to bring you guys more insightful content to help you on your own beauty journey.COSRX is a brand I've been lusting over for the past 5 or so years but just never managed to get my foot in the door by buying their products. However, I finally began getting a few bits and pieces at the end of last year to give them a try and see what products from them I would like. One thing I am trying to do with my skincare routine is to make sure I am adding acids regularly. I've only recently been learning about the exfoliating benefits of them especially for people like myself who suffer from acne and acne scarring. The first product I had bought was the AHA/BHA Clarifying Treatment Toner which I have been using the past month or two and have been really enjoying it. For Christmas, I asked for these two products I am going to talk about in this post along with all the make up I got too (keep an eye out for that!)

COSRX AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid
One thing I have struggled with all my life is acne, though after having a bout of accutane to help relieve it, I still do get hormonal acne during my time of the month or if I am stressed. AHAs aim to help acne sufferers and those who have scarring from acne remaining, along with those who suffer from fine lines, coarse & flaky skin, those with a dull skin tone and more. My primary issue is my scarring and the monthly breakout. One thing I know this probably won't be able to help on a massive scale with is the deep-set ice pick scars I have remaining from my teenage years, however, I'm hoping this will help boost the overall appearance of my skin and maybe make those scars look a little less noticeable if anything.
This is the product I'm most excited to start using and I'll be beginning by using it only 2 times a week to allow my skin to gradually get used to me using acids.
PHA Moisture Renewal Power Cream
PHA is an acid I had never really come across until I decided to pick this moisturiser out. I think I'd seen a couple of products featuring it but I had only seen so many people rave about AHAs and BHAs that I probably just partially ignored it. However, after reading this post here on the Klog, I realised this might be another very beneficial thing for me to give a go on my skin. A very gentle acid that might be useful for those whose skin is easily irritated by AHAs/BHAs. Some moisturisers just don't do much for my skin, so I'm hoping I get the moisturising and exfoliating benefits from this one into my skin. I'm probably mostly going to use this a night time moisturiser as I know I need to wait after applying acids before adding anything else and normally if I use acid during the day I add sunscreen (very important!!) to protect my skin.
COSRX AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid // A very watery consistency
COSRX PHA Moisture Renewal Power Cream // A semi-thick cream, almost ice cream-like in texture
So these are the new products I am going to be adding into my routine this month to see if it makes any difference to the appearance and feel of my skin. I'll go into my thoughts and experience with each product at a later time and go through my whole skincare routine eventually with you all. I'm hoping to start a Skincare Diary where I share my routine and skin's appearnace for that particular day so I can look back and see how things change over time and it also gives you guys an impression of how the products I am using are actually changing my skin!
Be sure to let me know your favourite COSRX products or what new skincare treats you got your hands on over the holidays!
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