I'm still a bit of a noob when it comes to cushions having owned maybe a total of 6 in the past but from my experiences, I've always found them to be a handy little carry about when I'm out somewhere, easy touch ups and convenient packaging and having to take one less make up brush with me. 3 out of the 6 cushions I have previously owned have been ones from Etude House and while I had success with one of them, I found the other two I used didn't quite meet my expectations. So when I found out I was getting this Any Cushion All Day Perfect in my Pink Bird box this month, I was both excited and anxious about it as I was really hopeful that this was going to be another successful cushion for me.

As with January's box, I also received the Vanilla shade in the cushion. There are pink based, yellow based and neutral based shades and I chose this one simply for it being the lightest out of the lot, but I actually have yellow undertones. However, the pink is beneficial for it's brightening element and I found the pink based vanilla suited me well due to me being so pale.
As with nearly every Etude House product, I love the packaging on this cushion, the stripy pinks and silver look so sophisticated and cute at the same time and fits in perfectly with Etude's adorable pink aesthetic. The case is thicker than that of the primer cushion but is quite similar in size to the standard foundation type cushion products.
Something that stood out quite quickly was the puff, normally it's a blue puff with a white strap on it, but this one is beige in colour and features a matching pink band! This just looks a lot pretty and less ~standard~ looking than the previous.
It's also so much spongier than the standard Etude puff!! It's almost double the size so has a much more cushiony feel to it and this is also said to improve the finish when applied.
Believe it or not, when I first spotted the cushion I actually panicked a little thinking it looked a lot darker than it should do. Even when I did an initial swatch on my arm I thought it looked dark and worried thinking maybe there was a packaging error and the wrong label was put on the cushion. However, I learnt I had been silly when I tried it on my face and it was the same shade as the BB Cream we received in January. Panic over! You can see just with the product sitting in the cushion itself that it is very pink toned but also seems to have a fair amount of yellow tones to it as well.

A little swatch on my arm reveals a pale base make up with a rather thick consistency. Being a product that claims to give a perfect finish I do expect a coverage that is heavier and is quite thick. This can lead to the issue of it looking cakey and this was my biggest worry when it came to the product. As one of my main skin concerns is the fact I have quite deep acne scars on my cheeks, I find heavy products tend to find their way into the scars and just kind of sit in them, not blending in well afterwards. I found as well, this product had the same similar scent I find most Etude base products have, it's quite a delicate smell but it's one I am familiar with!
As I don't tend to wear BB cream or foundation without some form of primer on my skin, I have the Fix and Fix Primer in Mint on as well as the cushion and in the before photo I have used the photo of the primer on my face.
After the primer drained all the warmth out of my skin, the cushion seemed to bring it back easily and brightened my complexion up massively. It helped cover any redness that hadn't been fully covered by the primer and evened out the skintone on my face. It did cover up my beauty spot quite a bit though ㅠㅠ; Not expecting miracles when it comes to my acne scars I was happy to see it reduced the appearance of the smaller ones but it did set into some of the larger ones and that was incredibly difficult to avoid no matter what I did. It also seemed to cling onto any blackheads I had sitting in my nose which prompted me to have to keep doing a nose strip to get rid of them because having white dots all over my nose is not a good look.
The best way for me to test base make up is to see how well it lasts when I am at work all day. I have quite an active job so I'm walking about a lot and sometimes it can get quite warm, if a base product can last well through a day like that then I know it is a good product.
Being called All Day Perfect this did lead to me having some high expectations to the longevity of the cushion. However, I don't think it deserved the title All Day in it because I found after 4 hours it had worn off on some of my face, it did however, manage to stay quite well around my nose and centre cheeks which is my main problem area so it's not completely bad. I do find it is quite cakey and feels quite thick, I could always feel it on my face throughout the day so it felt like there was a constant thick layer of something on my face all day. However, having used this for nearly 2 weeks, I haven't had any adverse affects even during a time my skin breaks out, usually thick make up makes it worse but I found I just got one spot that went away relatively quick.
Would I purchase this after I finish? This has been one of the more successful experiences with an Etude House cushion so there's a possiblity but I am still out on a search to find the perfect base product for me but I would consider a refill for this once I have used it up, also because the cushion package itself is gorgeous!
Have you tried this cushion yourself? What are your favourite cushion products?

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