Mask Monday ♡ Innisfree Jeju Volcanic Color Clay Mask - Calming

Monday 6 November 2017

Well well well, it has been a while since I have reviewed a mask that isn't a sheet mask. I'm not gonna lie, but I think Innisfree did a good job getting the P101/Wanna One boys promoting this product as it probably increased their sales a massive amount. That was ~partially~ one of the reasons I decided to pick one up, asides from the fact I needed another wash off type mask and kinda want to start multimasking to combat the different areas of my skin. So, today if you haven't guessed already, I am going to be doing a cute wee review of the Innisfree Jeju Volcanic Color Clay Mask in Purple/Calming) which was recently featured in my little Innisfree haul last week. 

There are 7 different color masks in the range: Yellow (Brightening), Blue (Hydrating), Pink (Vitalising), Green (Cica), Purple (Calming), White (Refining) and Black (Purifying). These 7 masks are also divided into three different mask textures which are either the water clay gel one that only needs a thin layer applied to the skin which dries in quickly, the cream clay which is mild enough for all skin types and the transforming clay type which can be used either as a mask or used as a cleanser with contact with water.

The Calming clay mask aims to control sebum and to calm skin that has become sensitive due to exposure to external irritants. 

After cleansing your face, apply an appropriate amount to areas you wish to treat (or all over if using as a single mask). After 5-10 minutes, rinse off with lukewarm water. It is also recommended to use this 1-2 times a week.

Texture and Scent
The mask itself comes out as a cream that dries into a clay. This makes it very gentle on the skin and doesn't dry hard like other clay-type masks that can leave your face feeling stiff which is incredibly uncomfortable. It's actually so light on the skin that you can barely feel that it is on the skin and you can move your facial muscles as normal. The mask applies to the face very smoothly for the most part but sometimes if you go over a section you will need to apply a small amount more but it's quite easy to get a nice even layer applied to the skin. The mask doesn't have any major scent to it, just a very light standard clay scent. Nothing strong and you can't even smell it when it is applied to the skin. 

The mask itself washed off very easily, which was probably thanks to it not drying hard into the skin. I noticed straight away my skin looked a lot brighter and the redness on my nose had been reduced by a substantial amount. My skin also looked fairly matte, which will have been contributed to by the sebum control aspect of the mask. I noticed it did bring some of my blackheads closer to the entrance of my pores (if that makes any kind of sense???) but it wasn't enough to pull them right out of my nose, so I think a nose strip would be extra effective following the mask. My skin felt nice and soft and I can tell it did give my skin a little boost of moisture. 

This mask worked very well on my skin and did exactly as it claimed. It's definitely a mask that is gentle enough for all skin types and one you could easily fit into your day with only needing to wear it for 5-10 minutes instead of the usual 15-30 minutes some masks ask for. I would recommend this mask to anyone that suffers from sensitive skin, inflamed acne and the like. It's also very affordable retailing at roughly £7 which isn't too bad for 70ml of product.

Yes, definitely! I've been looking for a nice gentle mask to use on my skin during it's hypersensitive times so I think this is the mask for me to use during this time. I would like to build up a little collection featuring all of these masks to give them a try. I would love if Innisfree did a mini set of these just so I could give them all a try!

Have you tried any of these Innisfree Color Clay Masks? Or are there any you are particularly interested in trying? Let me know in the comments below!

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