You'll probably already know that No.7 is a beauty brand launched by pharmaceutical company, Boots in the UK. I've used several products from them in the past and have had no issues with them. When I first decided to buy make up for myself when I was younger, I actually first bought some eye make up from No.7 after having the woman at the counter choose colours for me based on my skin tone, eye colour and hair colour!
So for Christmas I got 3 things: The Ultimate Eye Shadow Palette, Glamourous Nudes Eye Shadow Palette and the Crack Collection.
The Ultimate Eye Shadow Palette is massive with a gold case. Believe it or not, the mirror is the same size as the case so it's definitely something beneficial especially if it's a palette you take away with you somewhere! You'll have a decent size of mirror to do your make up in!
There's a nice range of colours in this palette, ranging from light to darker colours. I'm happy there's a lot of shimmers in this as they tend to be my most worn but the shades of the mattes will compliment them as well. There's a lot of colours so I haven't done swatches but I may get them done if it's requested. I particularly love the top light blue in the middle column, it looks super pretty (but brown eyes can't really get away with light blue colours....I might look a bit High School make up here) and the purples will compliment my eye colour the most.
The Glamorous Nudes palette is a lot smaller but has a cute glittery case. The size of this makes it easier for taking about with you if you don't have a lot of suitcase room.
You'll see a lot of the shades come from the larger palette so it's a watered down version of it. There's still enough variation to make a whole different selection of looks though.
YAY CRACKERS. I thought the black glittery ones of these were just gorgeous and I kept looking at them while I was doing these photos. So at Christmas time, No.7 released this little box set of crackers and inside them, you could easily guess, there are make up products inside of them. So these would be a cute addition to a beauty Christmas celebration! I was slightly disappointed these didn't have the full pop sound when you pull them but I'll let them off with that! I ended up just cutting the ends off as it was easier to get into them. The little black bows you see on the ends double up as hair bobbles so I've just bagged a few! Bonus! They come with party hats inside!
The first one I opened had a Stay Perfect Nail Colour in Fire Cracker. It's a gorgeous glittery berry colour, I kept showing Stuart it because it's just so so nice. Definitely a colour ideal for autumn/winter time.
Next up is the Lovely Lips Lip Balm in Deep Raspberry. This is a sheer lip product but it builds up really easily. I love the colour of this one as it's a nice deep pink shade.
Our second Stay Perfect Nail Colour is in Moonlit Shadow (what a pretty name??).This is a shimmery very light champagne colour. One I'm unsure of as it looks quite close to silver (despite having gold undertones) but I will give it a go nonetheless.
Last up is the second of the Lovely Lips Lip Balms in Parisian Pink. This is a must softer pink than the Deep Raspberry one and seems quite ideal for a natural make up look to add a sweet little bit of colour to the face.
This has just been a quick little showcase of some of the products I got for Christmas. What make up did you get for Christmas? Have you given any of these products a try before? I hope you enjoyed my first test using my new softbox for photos! It makes life so much easier as it only takes one step to edit my photos now whereas before it took far too many steps to edit them and they still didn't come out how I wanted them.

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