It's hard to believe how quickly these last few months have gone in regards to the Pink Bird program I have had the privilege to be a part of this year. Next month is the last month! It's quite sad but I am seriously grateful for having the chance to work with Etude House, it was a dream for me! This month I am putting all the products together in one post instead of individually and to tie in with this post I will also be holding a giveaway featuring two of the items I am sharing in this post!
The theme of this box this month is pink, more precisely Pink of The Year 2017. Fairly recently, Etude House held their yearly Pink Play Concert which is the combination of a make up show and a concert. They gathered together a selection of Korean music artists to come and perform and their faces of the brand, Krystal from f(x) and make up artist Pony were also present. Pony taking charge when it came to their 9 Looks segment where she worked her magic and applied 9 different styles of make up on the models. Attendees of the concert were gifted with a little goody bag and in said goody bag they were given a Pink of the Year bag and a Pink of the Year lipstick case to go with the latest launch of the Dear My Glass Tinting Lips line.
I honestly feel quite priveledged to have been gifted this in our latest box as these are exclusive to the concert go-ers so these are definitely two things I will be keeping as a little memento of my time as a Pink Bird.
The bag is a nice simple bag and the presentation of the bag reminds me a little of how the Pantone colours of the year are shown. It's a nice little over the shoulder bag which is ideal for perhaps a little bit of shopping or heading out for a picnic!
I love the lipstick case, it's a nice bold pink with the base being a rose gold. It so simplistic but absolutely gorgeous! Definitely one I am going to be using!
To go alongside the lipstick case, we were given another Dear My Glass Tinting Lips Talk lipstick in the shade Romantic Frill. This is the colour that Etude is promoting heavily this year and has been chosen, as you may have guessed it as their Pink of the Year. In all honesty I was a little disappointed that we received a shade that we received back in March and I would have liked to have given another shade a try.

This is a very bright pink colour and one that would definitely be used as a colour to make your lips pop and be the main focus of the look. It is one that I wear to work quite regularly and I've had a fair amount of compliments on it.
The texture of this is glossy and is more similar to a balm than that of a lipstick, so multiple applications are required throughout the day if you want to keep up the appearance of it. This is the shade in the line that also has Krystal from f(x)'s signature printed on it, which I have previously said is an adorable addition to it.
Another little gift we received was the Lovely Etti Headband, one that is used for either doing your skincare or your make up. I personally live for these things as I tend to always have either a block fringe or see through bangs of some sort so there's always that portion of my hair that can be on my face, these bands keep all of that away and stop product getting into my hair.
The headband can actually be worn in two different widths, depending on how much hair you need to keep back and the length of it, I personally only need to use the thinner thickness of it but I can see why others would need a larger band to keep their hair away.
The brightness of the sun combined with my softbox got rid of the pink bit of the ears ㅠㅠ I actually think this is the best quality headband of this type that I have owned so far and I think if it got to the point it was worn out I would definitely buy another. The material is super soft so it doesn't feel like it's going to be dry on the hair but isn't soft enough so that you feel it's going to slide off. It obviously doesn't keep back my baby hairs (I never had any baby hairs in adulthood until I had a baby!) but it does a great job for me to keep my face clear of hair that wants to get some product up in it.

Now onto the star of this box and something that I was absolutely desperate to have in my possession and that was the Play Color Eyes Cherry Blossom palette. I love pinks and I love shimmer shadows, so this palette looked like an absolute dream for me, I actually went ahead and purchased this palette with my own money a few weeks prior because I was so needy to get my hands on it.
In a baby pink case adorned with cherry blossoms, this palette combining all the shades associated with cherry blossoms that come together to create a variety of soft looks for the spring. There's a beautiful combination of mauves, rose brown and gold, a variety of pink tones, peach and a champagne and white shimmer all ties this together to make the prettiest palette I've seen and owned!
One of my disappointments with this palette, which is a very small one is the quality of the mirror. I found my one to be very foggy and I'm not able to actually use it for application. While this is a minor inconvenience if I am using a palette I tend to like to hold it in my hand with the mirror for comfort and ease.

This is one of the many looks I have created with this palette, it's a combination of 3 shades. As you can see, the pinks are nice and warm and compliment my eye colour well and are subtle enough for daily wear. I find the pigmentation of these eyeshadows are great but as expected with shimmer shadows, the shimmery textured ones do tend to fall under my eyes after a while. This isn't the end of the world though as it just means my face glitters a little more! They tend to last relatively long, I would say for a whole work shift at least that the colours remain strong on my eyelids. Sometimes any I have put under my waterline will have worn away slightly and this is just from any time my eye has gotten watery or I'm more likely to rub under my eye if it gets itchy than on top (eyeliner is my priority!).

The shades are: The End of Spring ♡ | Cherry Blossom Rain ♡ | Sweet Jujube Tea | Classic Chocolate Shop | Rosy Filter | Twinkle Wink | Orange Way | Cherry Blossom Festival ♡ | Pink Bakery | Popped Cherry Blossom Popcorn ♡
♡ = New shade. These are the names taken from the English versions given by Etude House, however, I am aware the actual translations vary slightly for some of these shades, my Korean understanding can see that but can't fully word it ㅠㅠ
Here are the swatches on my arm. Now I am not going to lie, I spent a long time trying to take the photos of each swatch individually and was going to show them in a more creative way but when I came to editing I struggled to tell the difference with some of the shades so I gave up and had to do a single photo with them in order ;_; much to my annoyance! I may sometime in the future do an updated swatch post as I love this palette so much.
I absolutely love these colours on me, they suit my warm complexion well and I find the pigmentation is perfect for me. I get to see them in different lighting as my home lighting is quite soft while my lighting at work is quite bright and harsh but I find these colours really are quite bold as I always notice my eye make up looks a lot brighter than it did in the morning in the softer light.
As I said above, I find these last for a long time and that is without primer! I'm still shimmering away by the end of my shift and looking as pink as ever. This palette has become a day must have for me and I'm quite glad that a lot of the shades are available as singles if I should happen to use this palette up (which quite frankly I can see happening!)
Time for the Tint My 4 Tip Brow and I recieved this in the shade Grey Brown. When I learnt that we were receiving an eyebrow product I did panic a little as I didn't know which one I would be given, and I was also a little apprehensive about it being a grey brown and how it would look on me. However, when it came to testing it out I had actually dyed my hair dark brown and it went straight to that stage of looking black for a while so I figured this shade wouldn't actually look that bad with my current hair colour.

I used the product as per the instructions and honestly, while you can see some from where I tried to actually find it noticeable on my skin and to make my eyebrows look a little thicker at the end, I found this didn't really do anything for me. I think this isn't a fault of the product but more of a fault in the fact that I have such thick and dark eyebrows that it doesn't have as much of an effect as it would perhaps on someone that has eyebrows that are a lot more sparse or lighter.
I do like the applicator though and with my current straight eyebrows it does make it easy to just follow along one kind of line and use it. It's actually my first time seeing a product with this type of applicator!
For my swatches I tried not to press too heavy incase their happened to be any bleeding from the product (I did however use two different strengths with my hands for each of the two lines), but I find it definitely shows that there are warm elements of brown and cool elements of grey in this product which makes it suitable for anyone with dark hair. I just don't think this is an eyebrow product suited to me or my eyebrows though.
Last but not least is the Monster Micellar Cleansing Water, something I was so excited to try as I have had problems with finding a product that can remove my eye make up effectively and this seemed to promise a lot. I've tried a few Micellar waters in the past and while some did some good, they never just seemed to have this wow factor and made my wonder why people raved about them so much. However, I do think this one has changed my mind.
Not only is the packaging super cute (LOOK AT THE LIL GUY, HE'S A CUTIE) but this product is extremely effective in taking off waterproof eye make up. Having a cotton pad soaked and giving my eyes two or three wipes over with it I found that it took all of the make up off, including the mascara, which is always something that ends up not getting taken off properly and ends up running down my face in the shower.
The only product I think it seemed to have a little difficulty in taking off was actually Etude House's Play 101 pencils, these are of a gel type and didn't seem to want to budge very easily, especially the matte ones of the range.
One problem I have had with micellar waters in the past is that if it has gotten into my eye at all (which tends to happen when you are removing eye make up), it can sting like mad however, this one didn't sting at all. There was a very minor sensation but nothing painful or annoying, just a sensation of "hey there's liquid there".
I think due to how successful this was for me in removing my make up, I am going to go ahead and purchase a full sized bottle. These three little bottles will do me in the meantime!
I have been super happy with this month's box and I've absolutely adored being able to get so many little gifts this time around! To tie in with this box and this blog post I am actually running a giveaway! Click the image below to find out more (this giveaway closes on the 12th of July so get in and enter!)
Or click HERE if that doesn't work!

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