Review | Etude House Wonder Fun Park ♡ Dear My Blooming Lips Talk Chiffon - PK034

Friday 23 June 2017

I know my blog is just crawling with Etude House posts and lately they have just been my Pink Bird posts, but I have one for you today that isn't! Following the release of the Wonder Fun Park collection, I got to sample some of the products from the range through the Pink Bird programme back in February, but I wanted more! So I went ahead and purchased 2 more lip products, one in lipstick form and one a warm shade of the lip tints. Today I am going to talk about the lipstick I chose, as it was released in Etude's Chiffon formula which is one I hadn't got around to trying and I was intrigued as to how it would perform in comparison to their previous lipsticks. This came in 5 shades and while, as per usual, I was gravitating towards one of the more orange shades, I thought I would get myself a lovely little pink shade perfect for spring time. I've been wearing much softer make up looks lately so this seemed like it was going to be a perfect fit. 

So I chose shade PK034, Electrifying Strawberry Juice. Part of me wanted to pick the lipstick that had the prettiest colour combination on the package but I decided to be better than that and pick a shade I really wanted. 

One of the biggest attracting points of the entirety of the Wonder Fun Park range is it's simple packaging combining a range of pastel colours, with baby pink, mint, lilac and yellow being the primary focus. In addition to these colours, the lipstick cases also feature 3 small stars going vertically along the top/lid of the case. This particular lipstick gives you a lilac lid with yellow stars and a mint green base with the ends being a gold finish. It's both cute and sophisticated at the same time. 

The box features panels of each colour and contains details for the lipstick including application instructions. There's a sticker that reaches from the top down the left side of the box in the shade of the lipstick bullet and features the name of the shade and the ingredients. 

With the texture being described as chiffon, you are given the impression that the lipstick is lightweight and perhaps a little sheer. While being moderately lightweight, there is still an amount of pigmentation. How it applies depends on the condition of your lips, I would make sure prior to applying that your lips have been moisturised and perhaps even do a lip scrub before as I find the formula clings onto any dry patches and makes them stand out. The texture is smoother than the standard Etude House lipstick formula which is a bonus but is still moderately drying, which is a problem I have found previously. I would combat this with a light, clear lip balm over it. 

I find it best to apply this lipstick using a lipstick brush to line the lips with the product and then fill in the lips in gentle vertical lines to get the best finish.
This colour combines a light bold pink with hints of coral and sits at the warm end of the spectrum of colours. While moderately bright, it doesn't look too flash or look "off" on the face and is subtle enough to be worn daily. Ideally combined with either a soft pink eye make up or a neutral brown.

Annoyingly, this product does transfer and due to that it doesn't last very long. I found it does last about 3 hours before I need to apply it again as my lips are bare. 

Final Verdict
3.5 / 5 - I was quite satisfied with this product, my only primary issue with it is that it does feel a little dry on the lips and because of that application can be difficult, however, I have managed to work my way around that to get a smooth finish. I adore the colour and it's a much needed pink added to my growing collection of orange shaded lip products. Perfect for either the spring or summer, it's an ideal lip colour for daily wear particularly if you are warm toned like myself.

I feel like I would like to try the other shades in the chiffon formula range of Etude's Dear My Blooming Lips Talk line, as much as I do love this shade, it can't hurt to try more out! This is also due to this being limited edition so I would rather find a shade from the main colour spectrum of the line.

Have you tried any shades from Etude's Blooming Lips Talk Chiffon range? If so, let me know what ones stood out to you the most and you would recommend! 
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